
Blue Wings



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DSC01339.JPG Author/Ambel Chang/March 30th, 2007

DSC01340.JPG  There was a little girl.  Her name is Fiona.  One day, Fiona and her mother decided to go to the beach.

DSC01342.JPG   It was a beautiful day, the sky was blue and the water was so clear.  "wow!  What a beautiful sea!"Fiona said.  "Fiona, be careful!" her mother said.  Fiona was so excited, she didn't even listen to what her mother said.  Fiona ran toward to the water.

DSC01345.JPG  Fiona dived into the sea, she saw many different kind of sea creatures.  A giant purple squid, an orange octopus with eight feet, a pink jellyfish and a huge conger eel.  Fiona was so amazed. 

DSC01346.JPG  "wow! The little mermaid!"  Fiona screamed.  "May I make friend with you?"  She asked.  They became good friends.

DSC01347.JPG    The little mermaid gave her a seashell.  "When you listen to it, you can hear many different sounds from the sea."  The little mermaid said.   Fiona couldn't wait to share with her mother.

DSC01348.JPG  After the sunset, Fiona and her mother were walking along the beach.  Enjoying the night, watching the stars twinkling in the sky.  What a wonderful night!

DSC01349.JPG  Fiona couldn't wait until sunrise, she rushed to her mother, grabbed her hand and ran happily to the port.

DSC01350.JPG    "Fiona, do you want to go and explore the sea?"  The flying fish asked Fiona.  "Of course!" I have been waiting for this for a long time."

DSC01351.JPG  Here comes the big wave!" Fiona shouted.  The fish were sliding on the big wave.  They looked so happy.

DSC01352.JPG  "It was the big whale coming."  She yelled.  Fiona felt herself riding on the big whale.  She was going up and down just like on a roller coaster.  She could feel herself flying in the sky.


DSC01354.JPG  "Fiona!  Fiona!  Wake up!  Wake up! "  called her mother.  "Was I just dreaming?"  Fiona said.  "Mommy?  Can we go to the beach this Sunday?"  She asked.  "Sure, even though I'm busy, I can take you wherever you want."  Her mother said.


    這是大女兒芷綺在小三時所做的英文繪本, 故事的內容藉由一個單親小女孩的夢境來描寫出對媽媽的愛之渴望, 也畫出父母對孩子的愛是無條件的付出. 故事原本只到鯨魚那一頁, 和芷綺討論之後才決定再加一張鈙述母女情深, 更道出孩子對愛的渴望.  最令我驚喜的是當時才小三的芷綺竟能很快的將所要表現的內容畫出來,  可以確定的是她一定不是遺傳我, 嘻...







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